Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Sushi is ok. Some kinds are gross...I'm thinking of this time at a Japanese レストラン where they had a sushi platter with different kinds of sushi. Tuna, shrimp, eel, salmon, other kinds of fish are mostly ok... but there was this weird looking brownish (?) one with a lot of green onions on it, and it was really sour and nasty. I gave it to my friend.

I really like the different kinds of katsu. Katsu is breaded fried meat, right? Like とんかつ is pork, uhh I forget the other ones. But I think they make chicken and beef katsu too. かつどん is tonkatsu with たまご on it. I like that.

にほんの snacks (おかし I think) も rockin' ですね。Pocky of course, and those bean things enclosed in soft flour, 「もち」 right? Those are so overpriced at M2M, but so good.

I'm also fond of the large number of snacks for kids, like "Koala March" or whatever. And snacks that look like little cars or that have pictures of Hello Kitty. They might not taste great, but they are fun to look at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sushi is definitely an interesting animal (lol pun). I'm not totally sure how to eat a lot of types of shashimi. You're just supposed to like stick giant pieces of fish in your mouth or something.

I wasn't too fond of vegetable type rolls. You taste too much seaweed. It's overpowering.