Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Self Intro

We wrote self-introductions for homework. The situation is:
"You are an exchange student at Osaka University in Japan. You have to introduce yourself in Japanese at a welcome reception that professors and students attend. Prepare a "self-introduction speech" that you can read from in case that you become too nervous to speak."

みなさん、はじめまして。わたしはアンドリュー シューです。アメリカからきました。コロンビアだいがくのがくせいです。そこでにほんごをべんきょうします。さんねんせいです。よろしくおねがいします。

Thursday, September 20, 2007



If you've played Phoenix Wright for Nintendo DS then you know this famous phrase. I've been working on Phoenix Wright 3: Trials and Tribulations. It is pretty good, but so far feels like it lacks a little je ne sais quoi that the first 2 had.


このクラスがけっこう好きです。みんなげんきです!それで、たくさん可愛い女の子がいますから。 (^_-)☆ My other classes are filled with guys. Being a computer science major is awesome. But sometimes it isn't so great.

Oh yeah I forgot to say in my first post that I went to Japan this past summer! For 10 days only... but it was a great 10 days!
If you want, you can check out my photos! I went to Tokyo and Osaka, and Kyoto for half a day.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Mina-san hajimemashite. Andrew desu.
Watashi wa nihongo no gakusei desu.

I like the language lab. It's pretty aesthetic, with white everywhere. The white Mac machines really fit in with the motif. Today Sato-sensei is also wearing white. I think that's pretty cool. He must have planned it.

I am looking forward to learning Japanese. It seems like everyone in the class already has some prior knowledge, but I think that's to be expected, since Japanese culture is pretty interesting, and some small parts are seeping into America, like video games and anime.

I am glad I signed up for language lab on Wednesday, it fits pretty well in the slot right before class. I did not want to sign up for Friday.

Blogs are kind of fun when everyone is writing a blog at the same time. I think when I try to do blogs or websites by myself, I'm generally less motivated.