Tuesday, October 9, 2007

せんしゅう の しゅうまつ (last weekend)

せんしゅうの どようびに プローグラミング コンテストを しました。
じゅうにじから ごじまで CLIC ラボに Javaプローグラミングを しました。

ろくばん (sixth place) に おわりました。
Google mouse を GET しました。


a said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

You program? I didn't know that.

And I like your "google mouse" GET thing. What is with Japan and "get"? I played the Japanese version of Super Mario Sunshine because I couldn't wait for it to get released in America and it always said SHINE GET! whenever you got a star.

Is it because they want to use the English verb but are keeping the Japanese grammatical structure?

Shine-o get!

Aoi Tsuki said...

Congradulations! Good luck in the regionals!

I wanted to go to the programming contest too, but I ended up not going >< It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun though, and there were some nice prizes.

Are you applying for Google or Microsoft for an internship? What year are you again? If you're interested in an Microsoft Internship, let me know. I can talk to the recruiter for you.